Joy Behar: Republicans Want ‘to Put Their Reactionary Rush Limbaugh Ideas into the Country’ with ACB

‘It’s a losing battle, but a temporary win for them’


BEHAR: "I think they’re going to get her through, because they have all the cards in her hands. You know, they have the majority, and unfortunately we’re going to have to wait for time to go by to see where the Trump party starts to really fail and all of these people who are trying to put the clock back to 1955 are going to be taken out of office because the tide is going forward; 62 percent of Americans want to keep Roe V. Wade, 67 percent of Americans want gay marriage. These guys are in a white panic, a male, white panic and they want to put the clock back. I was -- listen, I’m old enough, I remember the ‘50s, OK? A woman couldn’t even get her own credit card in those days forget about getting an abortion. I had a girlfriend who had to fly to Puerto Rico to get an abortion. And it was so difficult to get anything at that time that was legal. You had to put your life at risk in those days. Gays were terrified of coming out, you know. This is what they would like to do to the country now, to put their reactionary Rush Limbaugh ideas into the country, and the country is not there. It’s not there. So it’s a losing battle, but a temporary win for them."

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