Biden: My Mom Used to Always Tell Me, ‘Hey Joey, Nobody Is Better than You, Joey, but Everybody Is Your Equal’

‘These are the values that shaped my grown up’


BIDEN: "In Scranton, my mom used to have an expression, she’d say it, not just in Scranton, but from the time we left there, say ‘Joey, nobody is better than you, Joey, but everybody is your equal.’ My dad [inaudible] after he lost the job in Scranton, where there was no more work and he had to move to Delaware, he moved away for a little over a year, come back every weekend to see us. By the time we finally, a couple years down the road in Delaware got to finally be able to buy a home, my dad used to use this expression, he said 'Joey, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It's about your dignity. It's about respect. It's about your place in the community.' These are the values that shaped my growing up, and I suspect most of you. It shaped my whole life."

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