Michael Moore to Biden: ‘Why Are You Ignoring the Black Community’ in Michigan?

‘Biden has only come to Michigan once and only met —he went to two white towns’


MOORE: “This is a very good question to ask the Biden campaign because Hillary couldn’t get the yard signs. But Charlotte Alter points out in this TIME magazine article, there are not even field houses. You can’t go anywhere. There are no real Biden people on the ground in that way, in a way you would have. And the way they tried to kind of fluff it off is say ‘Well, it’s the 21st century, we do everything digital now.’ Man, why would you take—why would you use Michigan as the experiment? After what happened in 2016?  When Hillary lost Michigan by only two votes per precinct, that’s all. Why risk anything? Why are you ignoring the black community? Biden has only come to Michigan once and only met —he went to two white towns, one in Macomb County and one what we call downriver Detroit.”

(h/t Breitbart)

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