Martin O’Malley: ‘I Do Not’ Fear ‘Retribution’ from Dems for Crossing Hillary

‘If you look at some of the latest polling in our party you will see that in New Hampshire for example 59 percent of people, Democrats, are looking for a new leader’

BRZEZINSKI: “I want to talk political strategy with you, your place in the race. Here’s what Peggy Noonan says about Hillary Clinton. She says: ‘She’ll glide above it all. Mrs. Clinton is almost certainly about to glide to her party’s nomination. There will be a few bumps. She will occasionally be pressed and challenged on various questions. There will be back and forth. But her Democratic opponents will not attack her character, her history, her financial decisions, her scandals. They will not go at her personally. She will emerge dinged but not damaged. No one will ravage the queen… Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley know without being told that the party will kill them if they tear apart the assumed nominee. Their careers will be over if they go at her personally.’ Okay. What do you think?”

O’MALLEY: “Well, my career ended when I was elevated to the rank of citizen about three months ago. So I don’t have a career to kill. I’m the only candidate in this race with 15 years of executive experience as a mayor of a very great but very challenged city and as a governor. Many Democrats talk about, and progressives talk about the things we should do, raising the minimum wage, making investments in education to give our kids a better shot at a future -- a better future. I’ve actually done these things as an executive. And I think, if you look at some of the latest polling in our party, you’ll see that in New Hampshire, for example, 59 percent of people, Democrats, are looking for a new leader. Someone other than the inevitable frontrunner.”

SCARBOROUGH: “Specifically, to Peggy Noonan’s charge, do you fear retribution from the Democratic Party if you campaign too aggressively against Hillary Clinton?”

O’MALLEY: “No, I do not.”

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