Hayden: Iran Deal Won’t Deter Nuclear Program

‘I don’t know what the final plan is, and I do not think it will possibly include Iran dismantling their nuclear program’

HAYDEN: “ I don't know what the final plan is, and I do not think it will possibly include Iran dismantling their nuclear program. I think one of the by-products of yesterday's agreement was that we did sign up, in fact, to continued nuclear enrichment in Iran. I think that's a given. I think Foreign Minister Zarif was correct. The intent of this agreement yesterday was to ensure the Iranians that they would, at the end of the day, have some kind of nuclear enrichment program. What we're going to get out of it, as Dan seemed to suggest, is how much of a gap can you put between the program they're allowed to retain and their ability to have a weapon? This isn't about stopping it, it's about creating that tie."

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