Jonathan Lemire: Trump Campaign Is Desperate to Make the Election About Anything But the Pandemic

‘They have leaned into the law and order argument and we know polling suggests it didn’t work last time’


LEMIRE: “That is the case they’ve tried to make and as we know, they seem to have settled on in the closing argument in the last two plus months, the idea that Joe Biden though perhaps not a member of the radical left himself, is their puppet, that he is the one who is not strong enough to stand up against these forces who are overrunning American streets, in Trump’s view. We have seen, of course, they are leaned into this. They have tried this before. They have leaned into the law and order argument and we know polling suggests it didn’t work last time. The Black Lives Matter movement and the protests from coast-to-coast after George Floyd’s death were widely popular according to polling and Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster, said to me back then that he’s never seen a politician so out of step with the moment as Donald Trump was. And of course he inflamed the situation with his march to Lafayette Square to the church holding a Bible for a photo op. Now they are trying this play again.”

(h/t Contemptor)

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