CBS News: N.Y. Prison Worker Joyce Mitchell Had Sex with Escaped Felon Richard Matt

‘There was an agreement between Mitchell and two men to kill her husband’

KING: “This morning, the prison worker accused of helping David Sweat and Richard Matt escape, is talking her affair with one of the convicted killers. A law enforcement source told CBS News that Joyce Mitchell said she had sex multiple times with Matt. Anna Werner is in New York, where the man hunt is in its 11th day. Anna, good morning.

WERNER: “Good morning Gayle. Well, Mitchell interacted with Matt  and Sweat in her job as an industrial training supervisor at the prison. She appeared in court again yesterday as a prisoner herself.”

[clip starts]

WERNER (voice-over): “Wearing prison clothes and a bulletproof vest, Joyce Mitchell appeared in court for a second time Monday. She previously pled not guilty to charges that she helped the convicted killers Richard Matt and David Sweat escape from Clinton Correctional facility. Law enforcement sources tell CBS News there was an agreement between Mitchell and the two men to kill her husband, Lyle. Unknown at this time is whether Mitchell was in on the murder plot or if it may have been an attempt by Matt and Sweat to force Mitchell to help them escape. Steven Johnston is Mitchell’s new attorney.”

JOHNSTON: "All I'd say is she's very upset. She's distraught.”

WERNER (voice-over): “Law enforcement sources confirm to CBS News that Mitchell told investigators she had sex multiple times with Richard Matt inside the prison. On Sunday, Clinton County District Attorney Andrew Wylie would not confirm a sexual relationship but said this –“

WYLIE: "Obviously, Joyce Mitchell went a step a further as far as her relationship with these two individuals. Whether it's showing them more attention than anyone else or them showing her attention or affection."

WERNER (voice-over): “More than 800 local, state and federal law enforcement officers are investigating over 1,000 leads and using K-9 teams, helicopters and even surveillance cameras in the woods to look for the fugitives. Prosecutors believe the inmates had been planning their escape for several weeks, including familiarizing themselves with the maze of steam pipes outside of their cells.”

SNYDER: "Never in my life did I actually think it would happen that way --"

WERNER (voice-over): “Ken Snyder, who worked as a civilian employee at the prison for nearly 30 years can't believe the men could pulled it off.”

SNYDER: "To do it the way it was done with the things that were required to do it. I never thought that would happen.”

[clip ends]

WERNER: “Now, source tells us this morning that the prisoners also left at least one other note along their escape route, in addition to that one that said ‘have a nice day.’ Also the source says that investigators have searched roughly 450 out of 500 cabins on a lake outside the perimeter and so far no sign of any break-in either.”

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