Detroit Police Chief ‘Excited’ About Federal Agents

‘We are excited about our continued relationship with our federal law enforcement partners’

This story is cross-posted at our consumer site, Grabien News. Watch it there – without audiomarks.


JENKINS: "I will tell you, griff. We are excited about our continued relationship with our federal law enforcement partners. You know, what’s disturbing is the fact that this is not new. Back in December of last year, I stood with Attorney general Barr, stood with the heads of all the doj operations, FBI, Dea and we stood there as partners. And we are still partners. Nothing has changed. What has changed though is a renewed commitment to enhance, you know, what we are doing. And let’s face it. No one is talking to detroiters. You know, all this business about defund the police, talk to the average detroiter and see what they have to say. The protesters are saying something totally different and this is not about, you know, addressing our by and large peaceful protest. We haven’t seen the kind of violence like you see in other cities. Griff: Chief Craig whether it’s protesters anarchist or rise in crime even more troubling. What has been the reaction and relationship you have with your mayor there as we see mayors in places like Portland and Seattle refusing this help?"

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