Ore. Rep. Blumenauer: ‘Portland, Ore. Is Not Out of Control’

‘I see Donald Trump’s Administration declaring war on my hometown of Portland, Oregon’

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BLUMENAUER: “They can’t be that inept. It must be purposeful. Taking a very challenging situation in my hometown and making it worse. But make no mistake. This isn’t just about Portland, Oregon. We watched what they did in Lafayette Park, across from the White House. Again, assaulting innocent protesters in order to have a photo op for the President of the United States. There’s indications that they’re moving to Chicago, Atlanta, Kansas City, Seattle. Who’s going to be next? Talking about the challenges that have been taken in Philadelphia with a reforming district attorney, Larry Krasner, and somehow holding him up as an example of breakdown in law and order, an assault on the American public. Portland, Oregon, is not out of control. To be sure, there are some people who have strong feelings and there are some who have done things that are inappropriate and unlawful, but that is the challenge of our local officials and our state officials to manage it, not having somebody unwelcome, uninvited, and unprepared, coming in to take this difficult situation and make it worse.”

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