Obama on ISIS Strategy: ‘We Don’t Yet Have a Complete Strategy’

‘When a finalized plan is presented to me by the Pentagon, then I will share it with the American people’

BARACK OBAMA: "One of the areas we have to improve is the speed at which we train Iraqi forces. Where we've trained them and equipped them and have assist in the posture, they operate effectively. Where we haven't, morale, lack of equipment, et cetera may undermine the effectiveness of Iraqi security forces. So we want to get more Iraqi security forces trained, fresh, well equipped and focused. And president obadi wants the same thing. So we're reviewing a range of plans for how we might do that, essentially accelerating the number of Iraqi forces that are properly trained and equipped an focused strategy with leadership. When a finalized plan is presented to me by the Pentagon, then I will share it with the American people. We don't yet have a complete strategy because it requires commitments on the part of the Iraqis as well about how recruitment takes place, how that training takes place. So the details of that are not yet worked out."

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