Fox News: People with Blood Type-O Less Likely To Develop Severe COVID-19 Symptoms

‘I don’t want people who have known type-O to go out and think they are immune to Covid-19’


SAPHIER: "Well, Eric, growing bodies of evidence are suggesting an association between COVID-19 and blood type, similar to what we have historically seen with malaria, suggesting that type-O blood may potentially have some protectiveness. This recently coming out of The New England Journal of Medicine, they looked at about 1,600 patients and those that were type-A were 45 percent more likely to require oxygen or be put on a ventilator. That being said, Eric, it is extremely important to remember that this doesn’t necessarily have real-world applicability. In that study, there were still people with type-O blood that did die. So although it's good news for those with type-O potentially, this is really just good news for researchers and something for them to be looking at in terms of more treatments and prevention. I don’t want people who have known type-O to go out and think they are immune to COVID-19, because that is far from the truth. However, it does seem to be that there may be some protective effects with type-O blood."

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