Alveda King on Riots: ‘In the Name of Jesus Stop the Violence’

‘We can protest peacefully, Charles, and we must’

KING:  "Charles, hello, I have experienced all of those emotions. Yesterday, today even. The prefer at the memorial service said in the name of George Floyd, take your knee off our necks. I say it this way, and my granddaddy was a prefer, and my daddy ab king and uncle ML king. In the name of Jesus I call for justice, call first for peace, for unity and justice. And mercy. In the name of Jesus, stop the violence. Stop the violence. We can protest peacefully, Charles, and we must, but the violence will not — we’ve got to do this with god and you already know we’ve had this conversation, there’s one human race, skin color wouldn’t determine that, it’s the blood from the human. We’re one human race and we must learn to live together as brothers, as my uncle said, I’ll add sister, for perish together. We cannot do that with violence."

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