Mike Barnicle: All We Hear from Trump Is Division, Divisiveness, Damage, and Cruelty

‘Cruelty from the Oval Office’


BARNICLE: “There are, as everyone knows today, more than 100,000 people dead, who were alive just a few months ago. There are nearly 40 million people unemployed. We operate under a slogan, 'We’re all in this together.' That is patently not true. It's not true because we have a president of the United States who is divisive, destructive, damaging, and has an alternate message to the country nearly every day. And I would just say this, that if you think of every president in our lifetimes, and I’ll even include Richard Nixon in this, there has never been a president of the United States, when confronted with a moment like this, a national medical emergency, a moment that this country has never really faced before, but there has never been a president, a leader, who has failed his people, his country, so badly, so miserably, as Donald J. Trump has. All we hear from him is division, divisiveness, damage, and cruelty. Cruelty from the Oval Office. That’s where we are."

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