Matt Gaetz: Biden Is the ‘Picture of the Past’ and Trump Will Beat Him

‘Joe Biden could be replaced as a consequence of clearly diminished capacity’


GAETZ: “Joe Biden could be replaced as a consequence of clearly diminished capacity. It is my belief that if Joe Biden can still fog a mirror, they will nominate him. He’s been running for president off and on since 1988. The Democrats establish coalesced around him out of fear that Bernie Sanders was marching his way to the nomination. Joe Biden is simply not a leader. President Trump has exuded strength. Joe Biden is weak. President Trump is leading our nation to the great American comeback. And I don’t think Joe Biden is allowed out of the basement because he would not be able to find his way home. Stacey Abrams wants to be the vice presidential nominee because she simply doesn’t think that she would run the show in the Biden campaign. Because he doesn’t seem to have the capability to lead them in that campaign much less the country.”

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