Gov. Cuomo: New York Got Its Coronavirus From Europe

‘They brought the virus with them because it had moved from China to Europe and we had no idea’


CUOMO: “Very much. Very much. And look, this is important. First, the point is, this virus has been ahead of us all along. It’s beaten us at every turn, Chris. When it first started, it was coming from China. But it turns out it didn’t come from China, it came from Europe. And nobody even knew. And we sat here, letting Europeans come, January, February, March, 2 million Europeans came and they brought the virus with them because it had moved from China to Europe and we had no idea. Then if you had the virus and you had the antibodies, and you recovered, you were supposed to be immune. Now they’re not so sure you’re immune. Now the good news is kids wouldn’t get it and it wouldn’t bother kids. Now we’re not so sure. What we’re finding in New York, but you watch, it’s going to be true all across this country and across this world, it doesn’t present as a Covid case.”

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