Trump: Joe Biden Is a Sleepy Guy in the Basement of the House, He’s Not Moving Around Too Much

‘I watched a couple of interviews’


TRUMP: "Look, I can’t tell you what’s going to happen in the election. Great question. I can’t tell you what’s going to happen. We have a sleepy guy in the basement of a house that the press is giving a free pass to, who doesn't want to do debates because of COVID, and lots of things are happening. I watched a couple of interviews and I see, oh, I look forward to this, but they're keeping him sheltered because of the coronavirus. And he’s not moving around, he's not moving too much. And then I watch what the press does to the Republican Party, and to me in particular. We had the greatest economy ever put together, this is a month and a half ago. We were doing numbers likes of which we've never done."

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