Fox News: CDC Admits Contamination at CDC Lab Caused COVID-19 Testing Delays

‘The FDA is saying that the CDC fail to live up to its own protocol’


SHAWN: "Arthel, many experts in the health administration field say they cannot get the country fully back to normal unless we have widespread testing for Coronavirus. That is something that the federal government does not have right now. One reason, according to new report, why we don’t is that it involves they say the contamination at the Centers for Disease Control lab when the first tests were trying to be put together a couple of months ago. Steve Harrigan is at the CDC with the very latest on what they found. Hi, Steve."
HARRIGAN: "Eric, the CDC is admitting that it made mistakes in quality control in its original manufacture of tests for the Coronavirus. Also, the FDA is saying that the CDC failed to live up to its own protocol.”

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