Biden Rambles into Incoherence While Trying to Explain Game He Played with His Kids

‘I used to do it with my kids when they were little’

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BIDEN: “I sat with a guy yesterday on -- on a telephone and he’s telling me, he said, I don’t know, he said, 'Look, I — I worked at the hospital.' And he said, 'Then I got — I got myself a position where I got the virus, so they quarantined me and -- and they put me in the hospital and I made it out, and so I’m out, but they don’t want me with my family. I’m on the third floor.' I spent 15 minutes with him on the phone saying -- he said, 'I have a 3-year old and a 4-year old. They come to the door outside and they just knock on the door and say, "Daddy, daddy, can I see you, daddy? Can I see you, daddy."' So we spent time going through it. I used to do it with my kids when we were little and I couldn’t see it, and we'd play games. I'd say, knock -- make up a game, knock -- knock on the door and say — this is -- you know, practical things. The guy is scared to death and he’s worried about his children. He’s worried about his wife. I mean these are practical things and the president talks about just like, 'OK, it is going to be OK, we’re going to open tomorrow, we’re going to do this. I mean it just — I must tell you, it drives me crazy. I don’t know what he doesn’t understand about people’s fears."

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