Tucker: We Sent 18 Tons of Medical Supplies to China After the Pandemic Broke out, ‘Are You Shocked By That?’

‘You shouldn’t be, our leaders did this’


CARLSON: “But here’s the most amazing of all. On February 7th of this year, after the pandemic had already arrived in the United States, the U.S. State Department announced that almost 18 tons of medical supplies, including masks, gowns, and respirators, were being shipped to China, the country that started this disaster, the country whose duplicity made it worse, the country whose economy is outstripping ours. That country got 18 tons of American medical supplies, supplies that we desperately need. Are you shocked by that? You shouldn’t be. Our leaders did this. These are the same people who have gotten rich on Chinese money and then censored any criticism of the Chinese government. These are the people anxious to send your kids to some war in the Middle East in a country you’ve never heard of, but totally unwilling to guard our own borders with troops. These are the same people who sell U.S. citizenship to Chinese oligarchs and then give free health care to MS-13 members. At first, all this seemed like negligence and then your realized they just really don’t like you."

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