Trump: Some Time Next Year We’ll Have Over 500 Miles of Wall

‘The numbers are way down on the border’


TRUMP: “When we take back the House, keep the Senate, and keep the presidency, you’ll see things much different. This will never happen. But in the meantime, they have a majority by a number of votes in the house and the one thing with the Democrats, frankly I think they are lousy politicians because their policies are no good. They want open borders. They want sanctuary cities, they wanted to fund sanctuary cities in this bill, they wanted me to guarantee that we were going to fund sanctuary cities in this bill, we got it out, there was so many things but they want the open border policy now people don’t even fight me on it. I’ve been fighting, you know we’re up to 161 miles of wall, and we’ll have 500 miles pretty soon toward the end of the year, toward the end of the year we’ll have we’re getting close to 500 miles of border, it’s going to be what a difference. And by the way the numbers are way down on the border. What a difference the wall makes , at 161 nobody comes through that area. They can still walk around it, it’s a long walk, but nobody comes through the area where we have the wall. Its going to be a great blessing once it’s up and it’s going to be some time next year we’ll have over 500 miles of wall. It's been an incredible thing. That was not easy to get. And now they don’t fight me on the wall any more because they know it’s a bad subject for them politically, it’s a very bad subject, and especially since this happened we know you have a strong border, and it’s very good. So we needed their votes so they had to agree to things that I hated to agree to them but we would have never had the deal. We took a lot of them out."

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