Joe Biden: Virus Is Not Trump’s Fault, But He Has Been So Slow in Responding

‘He paid no attention’


BIDEN: “You said that 50 times on the air, Jake, you got to — that curve, you got to flatten that curve. This is how it's going up, more and more people are getting the coronavirus. More people dying. You got to flatten it. Now, there are places in the country where I can see it make sense to be able to go back to work to deal with certain issues, to certain notions. But the idea that we are in a position where we’re saying that by — what did he say, by Easter he wants to have everybody going back to work? I mean, what's he talking about? He started off misrepresenting the problem. All of the way back in January 17th, I wrote a piece for U.S. News & World Report saying we’ve got a real problem. The President — coronavirus is real, we have to start acting now. I wasn’t unique in that. The intelligence community had already come forward and said. He paid no attention. Again, the virus is not his fault. But the way in which he has been so slow in responding and what needs to be done, what was already in place is astonishing."

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