Sanders: Coronavirus Crisis Shows Us that Medicare for All Is a ‘Rational Health Care System’

‘This crisis should be a moment in which people ask fundamental questions about the dysfunctionality of our current health care system’


SANDERS: “Is the function of healthcare just to make huge profits for the insurance industry and the drug companies, or should it be to provide quality care to all? And it's not even just the uninsured and underinsured. It's parts of this country, as you all know, in rural America where hospitals have shut down. What are you doing if there's an emergency and you have no medical care near you? What do you do when there aren't enough doctors and there aren't enough nurses? How does that happen? So I would hope that this crisis, and maybe that's my main point today, that this crisis should be a moment in which people ask fundamental questions about the dysfunctional of our current health care system and have the guts to finally say to the health care industry, the drug companies, the insurance companies and others, that the function of a rational health care system is to provide quality care to all, not to make billions in profits for the people who own the industry."

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