Joe Biden to Detroit Auto Worker: ‘Don’t Be Such a Horse’s Ass’

‘I am representing me’

This story is cross-posted at our consumer site, Grabien News. Watch it there – without audiomarks.

MAN: “Well, he just clarified it —“

BIDEN:” Wait, wait, wait. Take your AR-14s. [inaudible]”

MAN: “You’re working for me, man.”

BIDEN: “I’m not working for — gimme a break, man. Don’t be such a horse’s ass. Hold on. Here’s the deal. Here’s the deal. Are you able to own a machine gun? I said are you able to own one?”

MAN: “Machine guns are illegal.”

BIDEN: “That’s right! So AR-15s are illegal.”

MAN: “But they’re not machine guns, they’re semi-automatic.”

BIDEN:” Do you need a hundred rounds? Do you need a hundred rounds?”

MAN: “There are more deaths in America from handguns than they are from what you call an assault rifle. Why are you advocating for a ban on assault rifles when people are dying from handguns?”

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