Hume on Bill Clinton’s Comments: ‘Somebody Has to Go out and Hustle to Pay the Bills’

‘He didn’t answer questions, he raised questions’

WALLACE: "While Hillary Clinton has not answered questions about the speaking fees and the big foreign donations as you saw Bill Clinton did -- did he help or hurt Hillary, Brit?"
HUME: "Oh, I think his answer is entirely plausible. I mean, these poor people — I mean, they’re only worth about $140 million. Of course, somebody has got to go out and hustle to pay the bills while she runs for president. No, obviously, I don’t think he helped. He didn’t answer questions, he raised questions. And, you know, when she’s out there trying to run as a populist, he’s whining about paying the bills with the kind of money they have. Obviously, this isn’t going to work. I don’t know whether it hurts her in the primary season phase of this to get the nomination."

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