Yvette Simpson: ‘Bernie Sanders Has The Will of the People Because’ He’s Getting the Delegates

‘We’re becoming more democratic and not less democratic’

STEPHANOPOULOS: Isn’t that exactly what he did four years ago against Hillary Clinton?

CHRISTIE: Yes. Sure did.

SIMPSON: Well, let’s be clear —

CHRISTIE: Sure did. That’s exactly what he did.

SIMPSON: Let’s —

EMANUEL: Yes, you — you — U.S. history for 200. That’s what happened, OK?

CHRISTIE: Hillary Clinton had the most votes. Yes. Hillary Clinton had the most votes and Bernie went in there, into the convention —

SIMPSON: That’s —


CHRISTIE: And caused mayhem.


CHRISTIE: Had his people booing people at the convention. And he was a sore loser last time. Now he’s saying to everybody, well, I’m ahead, so everybody come together behind me.

FAGEN: Right.

CHRISTIE: Guess what, if he had done that four years ago, there would be a lot more people willing to do it. No one’s going to be willing to do that now.

SIMPSON: But that’s — it was a different change. We’re talking about not letting —

EMANUEL: That was then. This is now?


SIMPSON: No, we’re talking about not letting super delegates —

CHRISTIE: This is your chance.

SIMPSON: We’re talking about not letting super delegates over the will — ride the will of the people.

CHRISTIE: People’s will was not expressed.

SIMPSON: Bernie Sanders —

CHRISTIE: He didn’t have the majority.

SIMPSON: Bernie Sanders has the will of the people because he’s getting those votes.

EMANUEL: We’re — we’re talking —


EMANUEL: You are — you are — you are right, OK, you are right. You’re —

SIMPSON: We’re becoming more Democratic and not less Democratic.


EMANUEL: You are right about one thing, and that is that he is amassing the delegates and getting more delegates than anybody else. What we’re saying, just as this is fraught with political risk that has never been tried since 1992. And that we have to be smart about it, open-minded.

This — you are right, he is amassing the delegates, but the rules that are written today, the last time this happened, I remember Richard J. Daly took speaker Albert off the podium, put young Congressman Dan Rosakosi up there because he couldn’t get the place together.

And the fact is, you’re going to need a parliamentarian, and a person that understands the rules backwards and forwards and the strength to see it through because we’re going to go, at this point —

SIMPSON: It’s going to be a mess.

EMANUEL: And I do think this, to all the other candidates that are coming in third and fourth consistently, and do have a thread of money that in past years they’d be done by now.


EMANUEL: They have enough internet money. They have to make a decision, look in the mirror and say, do I stay in this or do I understand that this has to get to mano-de-mano?

STEPHANOPOULOS: We’ve got to take a break.

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