At Sanders Rally, Cornel West Calls Trump a ‘Neo-Fascist Gangster’

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WEST: “Let the word goes forth here and now, we’re on our way to the White House.
(Cheering and Applause)
And we are going to remove our fellow citizen, our neo-fascist gangster from the White House, now in Manchester, he's got to go. You’ve got to go! You've got to go!
(Cheering and Applause)
But let us be clear, I don’t — you don’t say that in the spirit of hatred of a person. We hate injustice. 
(Cheering and Applause)
We hate exploitation. We hate oppression. We hate domination. We hate contempt. We hate arrogance. We hate condescension A neo-fascist believes that the rule of big military and big money, dividing people up by their color, by their class, by their sexual orientation, by their religion and non-religion, to ensure we're at each other’s throats rather than confronting the elites at the top, My brother Bernie Sanders says no!”

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