Iowa Democratic Party Chair: The Reporting of the Results Is ‘Unacceptable’

‘let me be clear, my number one priority has been on ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the results’


PRICE: "Good afternoon. And thank you all so much for taking a little time today to chat a little bit about what happened last night. The reporting of the results and circumstances surrounding the 2020 Iowa Democratic Party caucuses were unacceptable. As chair of the party, I apologize deeply for this. Last night, we were faced with multiple reporting challenges, and decided out of an abundance of caution to protect the integrity of the Iowa caucuses and their results by taking the necessary steps to review and confirm the data. A thorough, transparent and independent examination of what occurred yesterday will follow. But let me be clear, my number one priority has been on ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the results. And we have been working all night to be in the best position to report results.”

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