Trump: Ralph Northam Putting Virginia ‘in Play’ with Gun Control Push

‘They want to take everyone’s gun away in Virginia’


TRUMP: “They want to take away guns in Virginia. You have a governor that — I just can’t believe it. But Virginia is very much in play. I think we are going to win the state of Virginia. They want to take everyone’s gun away in Virginia. You can’t do it. You can’t do it. People need that for safety. They need it for hunting and other, but many people need it for safety, they need it for security. They're playing with our Second Amendment, frankly, they're getting rid of it. I watched him on an interview, he would get rid of Second Amendment if it was up to him. And you have many Democrats saying the same thing. They're saying it quietly, but if they win these elections, they are going to try to get rid of the Second Amendment. It will never happen as long as I am here."

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