Rep. McCarthy: Trump Is Being Thoughtful on the Way He’s Handling Iran Conflict

‘I think the president showed exactly how to handle this’


MCCARTHY: “I think the president showed exactly how to handle this. You cited in your opening. He held back restraint when the drone was shut down. We watched the escalation of what Iran had done. Instead of sending billions to Iran, he’s sending a very clear message. He told them if they killed an American, it would be different. When they did, he sent a very clear message. Our thoughts and prayers are with our men and women. Hopefully it will turn out the way we are looking at it right now. Some missiles didn’t do damage. Hopefully no lives were lost. But I will tell you, this president has handled this appropriately. He has made it safer. He’s making a very clear position that we can have a safer world, not where we are taking these billions of dollars and funneling billion dollars around the Middle East. Iran cannot have a nuclear weapon. He’s very clear about that, that they will never have one. The president called me right after the the missiles had gone forward. He’s very prepared to handle this appropriately. He is smart about the way, he will accept the damage and respond accordingly.”

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