Fmr. Congressman Allen West: Biden, Sanders and Warren Are ‘Siding with Iran’

‘They are going to start siding with Iran and not taking action against a terrorist organization’


ALLEN: "Well, it's very interesting that I guess they figure it’s okay to send billions of dollars of palletized cash to the number one state sponsor of Islamic terrorism in the world as a means by which they can try to appease or compromise or acquiesce to the Iranians. This is going to draw a very clear difference of delineation between President Trump and what is he doing, and these people that are running to be president of the United States of America on the issue of national security. So, I think that they are not starting off 2020 on a good political footing. If they are going to start siding with Iran and not taking action against a terrorist organization, which is what the Quds Force is."

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