John Kennedy: It Is the President’s Right to Claim Executive Privilege

‘Speaker Pelosi decided not to take the normal route and get a decision by a third branch of government’

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KENNEDY: "Well, two points. Number one, executive privilege. Now, the President, as has just about every president going back to George Washington, asserted executive privilege in the House. Speaker Pelosi decided not to take the normal route and get a decision by a third branch of government. That was her call. In the Senate, if we tomorrow agreed with Senator Schumer, who I think is speaking for Speaker Pelosi, to call all of the witnesses that he wants, I fully expect the President to do two things: claim executive privilege, which is his right; and number two, demand his own list of witnesses. Now, if the President does that, we could end up with a scenario where Chuck caught the car. The President’s witnesses don’t testify if the Senate doesn’t want to pursue it in court, but — or the Senator Schumer’s witnesses don’t testify but the President’s witnesses do. I don’t think Senator Schumer would think that is fair."

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