MSNBC: Yes Americans Are Making More Money

‘3% better than last year so, yes, modest gains in wages’

REPORTER: "As you are seeing on the cut of headline banners below me right now, 266,000 jobs. That is what America created in the month of November. 187,000 is what economists were expecting, so a better than expected report there. The unemployment rate does tick down to 3.5%, the lowest level in 50 years at this stage. We also like to talk about average hourly earnings. Are Americans actually making more money in this kind of better job market? Yes, they are. Marginally, it is up .2% month-over-month, from October to November, but it's 3.1% better than it was the same time last year. So, yes, modest gains in wages. I should also point out, September and October numbers were also revised higher by a total of 41,000 jobs. If you are looking for the places we are adding jobs as an economy in the United States, it is in manufacturing — 54,000 jobs created there. Also with regards to motor vehicles and auto parts."

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