Sen. Sanders: Nobody ‘Will Succeed’ Unless ‘Millions of People’ Rise up Against Billionaires

‘The question is how do you take on a billionaire class which has so much economic power’

BRZEZINSKI: "What do you think of her message and do you think her message -- how does it compare to, for example, an Elizabeth Warren if she were to run?"
SANDERS: "The issue is frankly it's not just Hillary or Elizabeth or Bernie sanders. This country faces enormous problems. Our middle-class is disappearing. We have more people living in poverty than any time in the history of America. We're the only major country without a national health care program guaranteeing health care for all people. What's that about? The question is how do you take on a billionaire class which has so much economic power and with citizens unite canned now buy elections where we are moving in many ways toward an oligarchic form of society rather than traditional democracy. So let me say this, no president, not Hillary Clinton, not Bernie sanders, not anybody, unless there is a mass mobilization of millions of people who say enough is enough, Koch brothers and billionaires can't have it all." 
BRZEZINSKI: "Well, someone like Hillary Clinton who has announced has the capacity, has the abilities in my opinion to do any of that. Do you think she will if elected?" 
SANDERS: "I've known Hillary Clinton for many years and I like Hillary Clinton very much and clearly this is a very capable person but she has to answer some very significant questions. Right now coming to the floor of the Senate pretty soon is another disastrous trade agreement called the tpp. Trade agreements have cost us millions of jobs pushed by corporate America. Where does Hillary Clinton stand on that? I have been one in the leaders in trying to oppose the keystone pipeline and say that climate change is one of the gate global crises we face. We have to rapidly move away from fossil fuels. Where does Hillary stand on that. In terms of Wall Street, I believe we have to break up giant banks, they're too powerful. Where does Hillary Clinton stand on that? The bottom line is we need people to stand up to the billionaire class and their economic and political power."

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