Dan Bongino Says Democrats Worked with Ukraine to Spy on Trump: ‘It’s No More Complicated Than That’

‘None of this is difficult to figure out’

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BONGINO: "You know, it’s funny, Brian, I had a great source in my book 'Exonerated.' I already had the Ukraine stuff. As a matter of fact, we had a long debate whether to put it in because we weren’t sure it was going to break. I was in your green room telling someone else who was a guest a year ago that Ukraine was going to be the next big thing. And I knew that for a couple perform reasons. It’s the reason the whole Spygate hoax and the Ukraine impeachment fake whistleblower hoax are really essentially the same scandal, Brian. It’s no more difficult than this. The same sources that the Democrats used in conjunction with Fusion GPS to obtain spying warrants to spy on Donald Trump were Ukrainian. None of this is difficult to figure out. It’s on the record testimony from Fusion GPS personnel like Nellie Ohr. And it’s pretty clear the Democrats are trying to hide what they did in Spygate and now through the fake Whistleblowergate are trying to hide what they did in conjunction with Ukrainian people and other foreign nationals to spy on Donald Trump. Brian, it’s no more complicated than that. That’s what they are trying to do. They are trying to sweep it all under the rug by counter-accusing Donald Trump."

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