Lara Trump Overregulation of Timber Industry in Oregon: The President Hasn’t Forgotten Oregon

‘We felt like people have forgotten about us in Oregon’


REAUME (voice-over): "They toured the Freres Lumber Co. and hosted a listening session in Lyons."
WOMAN: "We don't have timber, we don't have jobs, we don't have schools, we don't have storefronts, we don't have 7-Elevens." REAUME (voice-over): "And they made it pretty clear — Oregon may be blue..."
L. TRUMP: "So many people here today, I think, said that. We felt like people have forgotten about us in Oregon. We haven't. The president hasn't."
REAUME (voice-over): "...but that doesn't mean they're bagging it."
REAUME: "I got to talk to a few of the participants after the listening session and they tell me, with Lara and Brad here, they feel heard.”

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