Chuck Todd: ‘Voters Instinctively Respond to the Future By Going with Younger Candidate’

TODD: “Obviously, he [Rubio] would like to have the week to himself. Let’s not pretend that he wants to be overshadowed and have this split screen moment with Hillary Clinton. However, there’s a way for him to make lemonade and I think he did it very well in this speech. It’s about generational change.

He’s generation x, she’s a baby boomer, and by the way, Marco Rubio’s chief primary opponent is Jeb Bush, another baby boomer. He’s able to make that point quite a bit, that he’s about the future. You talk to anybody, presidential campaigns are always about the future. This is something the Clinton campaign is very worried about. They’re hoping her gender, the idea of electing the first woman president will do that.

And, Lester, one other note — and this is why generation matters — five of the last six presidential elections have been won by the younger candidate. Voters instinctively respond to the future sometimes by going with the younger candidate.” 

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