ObamaCare Architect: Americans Will Save Money ... ‘A Couple of Years From Now’

‘A couple of years from now, their guess is that total spending per family will be about 2500 dollars less than it would have been’

CUTLER: "By a couple of years from now, they're guess is that total spending per family will be about $2,500 less than it otherwise would have been. And many families notice that in lower premium increases, and you also see that for example to the biggest contributor to government budget deficits coming down is the slower growth of Medicare."
KELLY: "So you argue that the premiums may be going up 40 percent in some cases, but they would have been going up even more in the absence of this law, which I know you maintained, helps control costs. Some of it is controversial, we've had Dr. Siegel on talking about how he believes your emphasis on value from the physicians, as opposed to volume leads to physicians rejecting patients who will be high maintenance because they get rewarded for value, and for outcome, and they think that leads -- you know, there's controversy there."

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