‘Draft Biden’ Organizer, Former Obama Staffer: Biden’s Gaffes Shows He’s ‘Human’

‘People in the country are looking toward the vice president as someone they can count on’

WITT: "But what about her democratic challengers, in particular Joe Biden. This weekend a draft Biden launch, picturing him in a corvette saying I'm riding with Biden. The goal is to get petitioned signatures to get him to run. William pierce is behind the draft Biden movement. And William, welcome to you. Why not Joe Biden and not not the former secretary of state." 
PIERCE: "Thank you. And I feel I'm an army veteran and I deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and here is a man with over 30 years of experience as a United States senator and eight years of experience as vice president and countless years of foreign policy experience but he has sent his son overseas and he knows what it is like to put boots on the ground."
WITT: "And look, there is great reason why he has risen to the top there and become the vice president of the United States. However, what about the gap -- the guffaws that he is infamous for. He apologized for the uae for saying it supported Al Qaedas and he used the wrong words for referring to Jews and Al Qaeda. So does this worry about you about the potential president of the United States?" 
PIERCE: "It doesn't bother me. The president and the vice president, with the press corp, they have someone with a camera following them around every single second and we are human. And Americans want someone who is human and not just reading from a teleprompter, they want someone who they can relate to but who has leadership and experience and charisma that the vice president has." 
WITT: "From someone who reads from a teleprompter, I'm pretty human and I have the teleprompter in front of me. But would you support Hillary Clinton if Biden does not run?" 
PIERCE: "Right now we're just focusing on Joe Biden. Eight years ago everybody was saying Hillary Clinton was a shoo-in. And look at what happened. We have almost a year to go and right now we're just focusing on trying to encouraging the vice president to run. We have sold out of bumper stickerss and last night we were mentioned on Jimmy Fallon. And people in the country are looking toward the vice president as someone they can count on. I was talking with a lady in Wisconsin this week named Rhonda, a single mother on very limited income but sends in a $10 donation because the vice president has the same values as me and I know he will represent me many the White House." 
WITT: "And it is a long way to 2016, November, so good luck and we'll keep a watch on it. Thank you for joining me."

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