John Brennan on Whistleblower Being CIA Agent: ‘Thank Goodness’ Some Are Still ‘Fighting the Fight’

‘They tell the truth’

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BRENNAN: “Because they cannot be manipulated like clay in his hands. Because they will stand up and speak out when things are wrong. And they will tell him what the truth is. And the truth he fears because he has lived on anything but the truth, not just during his presidency, but even before that. So thank goodness for the women and men who are at the intelligence community and law enforcement communities, who are standing up and carrying out their responsibilities on behalf of their fellow citizens. So if he doesn’t use their intelligence, if he doesn't use their contributions to this country's security, well, bad on him. But our people who continue to fight the fight in the trenches here as well as overseas will do their work irrespective of what he is going to do or say about them. When they raise their hand in an oath of allegiance to this country, they have that obligation, it's a duty of their oath and that’s what compelled this whistleblower, whether he's from CIA or wherever, to speak out.”

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