Susan Rice: By Throwing the Kurds Under the Bus, Trump Is Making America Weaker

‘He makes them weaker and far less willing to trust us when we need them most’


RICE: "Alliances take hard work. They are a two-way street. And that clip that you just played encapsulates the rot at the center of Donald Trump’s foreign policy. He has no conception of how America has been strong and a global leader over the course of the last decades. It’s because we have an unmatched network of alliances and partnerships, countries that are willing to join with us when we face a challenge, whether it’s after 9/11, will it’s to defeat ISIS, whether it’s to fight Ebola or deal with the resurgent Russia, we need allies. And because he trashes them at every opportunity, and now having thrown the Kurds under the bus, he is making us weaker and he is making countries in the world far less willing to trust in our leadership and won't join with us when we need them most."

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