Cruz: Stephanopolous Playing Role of ‘Democratic Attack Machine’ in Indiana

‘Religious liberty is not some fringe view, it is the basis of this country’

"He [Mike Pence] is a good man. I admire him for standing up and signing the legislation. It was the right thing to do. But I will tell you, it goes back to what I mentioned before about all of us, when we talked about how we all -- rather than second guessing what Pence has done, let me talk about how we win. 

Margaret Tucker famously said, "First you win the argument, then you win the vote.' And we need to stand up as courageous conservatives. You know, religious liberty is not some fringed view. It is the basis of this country. America was found by people fleeing religious prosecution and coming here seeking the freedom to worship God with all of our hearts and minds and souls. And you see these TV reporters, George Stephanopoulos, this weekend, who just play democratic attack machine.

And there was wrenched irony because, gosh, George, you were working in the Clinton White House when President Clinton signed basically the exact same legislation and you are saying that anyone who signs this legislation is a bigot. Are you saying Bill Clinton was a bigot? No, no, George, that's yes or no, you are insisting on yes or no. Tell me, was Bill Clinton a bigot when he signed the legislation that you say anyone who signs is a bigot?"

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