Colbert on Trump Forgetting About CAT 5 Hurricanes: He Has a Memory of a Goldfish To Go Along with His Skin Tone

‘So you have heard of it, and then you haven’t heard of it’


COLBERT (as Trump): 'I never even heard of a category 5. Up until i took office, four was the largest number. ( Laughter ) Now they invented five and — wait, hold on. I have an idea. Are you ready for this? Six.' How have you never heard of a category 5 hurricane when there have been three category 5 hurricanes while you’ve been president? ( Laughter ) And you know how I know that? From listening to you not know what they are."
[clip starts]
TRUMP: "I never even knew a category 5 existed. (...9 It actually touched down as a category 5. People have never seen anything like that. (...) Nobody has ever heard of a 5 hitting land. (...) Category 5, never heard about category 5s before. A category 5 is big stuff!"
[clip ends]
COLBERT: "So you have heard of it, and then you haven’t heard of it, and then you have and then you haven’t. You have the memory of a go along with the skin tone. To go along. To go along with. It’s true."

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