Laura Barron-Lopez: Trump Has ‘Intentionally Repeated Falsehoods’ But the ‘Essence’ of Biden’s Story ‘Is Correct’

‘There’s a key difference between President Trump and former vice president Biden’


BARRON-LOPEZ: “That’s right, Dana. There are countless times Joe Biden would get ahead of President Obama and put his foot in his mouth because he said something he right at the most opportune time. There’s a key difference between President Trump and former vice president Biden, which is that President Trump has intentionally repeated falsehoods, whereas Biden so far as we can tell, even with this story, he stands by that the essence of it is correct and that he did have an interaction with a soldier who did say those things to him and that he may have messed up the location and the name, but that he did have that interaction. So I think that to Lisa’s point, yes, the question is whether or not all of these compiled together, all of these gaffes, all of these misquotes or misspeaking by the vice president actually hurts him down the line and whether or not it wears down his support. But so far on the trail I haven’t heard anything from voters about this.”

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