Matthews, Crist Lament: GOP Treats Obama ‘Like He Has Cooties’

‘This personal assault on the person of the president ... is bad politics’

Matthews: GOP’s Obama Hate Off the Charts, It’s Like They Think He Has ‘Cooties’ (Mediaite)

Chris Matthews made a very odd analogy Wednesday night during a segment about Republican hatred of President Obama, saying that the GOP despises the president so much they’re acting like children who are afraid of catching his “cooties.” His dirty, liberal cooties.

Matthews called out one Republican legislator who said he was “sick” by just standing a few feet from Obama. Former Florida Republican Governor (and aspiring future Florida Democratic Governor) Charlie Crist agreed that it’s symptomatic of the “bad behavior” going on in the Republican party, calling for a higher “level of decency.”

Clarence Page added that Republicans use “Obama’s name as a rallying cry to pander to the far right” and anyone who so much as dares to reach out to the other side is labeled a RINO.

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