Rep. Demings: ‘We Can Assume’ Philly Shooter Using ‘High Capacity Magazines’ We Must Outlaw

‘Why is the Senate refusing to move legislation that we passed in the House months ago?’

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DEMINGS: "What’s missing from the conversation is that every poll shows you that the overwhelming majority of the American people are in favor of background checks, for example. And so, the question is, why is the Senate refusing to move legislation that we passed in the House months ago? The other part of this conversation, I doubt very seriously, that if this shooter in Philadelphia was armed simply with the handgun, that this gun battle would be going on well beyond an hour. I think we can assume that he is also heavily armed with high capacity rifles or weapons, and also has high capacity magazines. So while we look at passing legislation that requires that every gun sale, every person involved in a gun sale has to go through a background check, we really need to have a serious discussion about getting these weapons of war, and doggone it, today is a clear indication of that as the men and women of blue are under fire in Philadelphia. We need to get these high capacity weapons and magazines off of our streets."

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