CNN Panel: Trump’s Immigration Policy Is ‘GTFO,’ Aimed at ‘S-hole Countries’

‘The silence from Republicans is deafening’


AVLON: "And it shows that that argument, the delineation between we’re going to open legal immigration but crack down on illegal immigration isn’t true. That instead there seems to be an animus against immigration, period. And you look at everyone here at this table and look at people who are working in the White House today, look in the mirror and say, 'When and how did my parents or great grandparents  come here?' People come here because they’re in economic or political distress and they come here because they want to work for a better life. And that's what we should be encouraging. You know, the poem on the Statue of Liberty says, 'Give me your tired, your poor, tempest-tost yearning to be free.' And what this policy does is say, 'GTFO.'"
BERMAN: "Yeah. And look, the reason people question the intentionality of this and what they are really trying to do is because of the president’s own words in 'Times.' Who can forget 'The Washington Post' story, Josh Dawsey and others wrote about that meeting inside the White House where the President said, 'Why are we having all these people from s-hole countries come here?' Trump then suggested the United States should instead bring more people from countries such as Norway."
BASH: "This is exactly what the rule is intended to do. I don’t think we should dance around it. It is intended to keep people from s-hole countries out of America. And until this rule, and we’ll see if it stays because it’s already being challenged legally, and in the courts and especially without congressional approval it’s hard to imagine that the president is going to be able to really keep those, but we’ll see. This is intended to get around the Congress and keep the immigrants, legal immigrants from s-hole countries out because they can’t stand on their own two feet."

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