‘Fox & Friends’ Rips Bernie Sanders for Staff Wage ‘Hypocrisy,’ But He Pays More Than Minimum Wage Bill Requires

‘They are using his own rhetoric against him now!’


DOOCY: “Bernie Sanders has made it very clear when he is campaigning he would like to see a federal minimum wage of $15 an hour. And yet, the height of hypocrisy it turns out that he is not paying $15 per hour to his field hires on his campaign."
HEGSETH: "What?"
DOOCY: "And they want $15 an hour. But his campaign says, look, they’re unionized. There is a collective bargaining deal already on the table."
EARHARDT: "Oh, details. They are using his own rhetoric against him now. Here’s a flashback of what he has said about minimum wages."
[clip starts]
SANDERS: "The working class of this country is sick and tired of working longer hours for lower wages. ... We have got to raise the minimum wage to a living wage. (Cheering) ... We have got raise that minimum wage to $15 an hour. ... We should raise the minimum wage to a living wage, 15 bucks an hour. When I talked about it four years ago, people said I was a little bit nuts on that one, too."
[clip ends]
HEGSETH: "This is amazing."
DOOCY: "Apparently somebody on the campaign actually heard him saying, and said, wait a minute, we are not getting $15 an hour."

(h/t Mediaite

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