Sean Spicer on ‘The Squad’: ‘These Four Women Are American Citizens’

‘And we should be disagreeing with their policies’


SPICER: "First and foremost, I think the President was absolutely right to call this out. These four women are American citizens. And we should be disagreeing with their policies and what they’re putting forward, not by any means disparaging their origins, their ethnicity or anything else that the people are trying to make it into. So I think the President did the right thing by calling out the chant that was said at that rally. That being said, you talked about, you know, The Squad versus the President. This is what it really comes down to, is socialism versus freedom. This comes down to prosperity versus more socialism. I think the more we can frame this about that choice — and what has happened over the last week is there has been a crystallization of the choice that is coming up the next election. It is about these women leading the Democratic Party further and further to the left. They march toward socialism and embrace toward socialism, and what the President and the Republican Party are offering, which is more freedom, more prosperity, capitalism, free enterprise., all the things I think have made this country great and made it a magnet for people around the world to want to come and prosper, this is the argument that we need to be putting forward in this election and let the Democratic Party rally around the squad and their socialism principles and policies."

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