CNN-ORC Poll Shows Hillary’s Favorability Rating Down Six Points in Wake of Email Scandal

‘In the view of Americans, she has more explaining to do’

TAPPER: "John, Democrats say this is all silly stuff and voters don't care. That is true according to the poll?"
KING: "No, they do care. Majority voters in this poll, 51 percent say her use of personal e-mail is a serious problem. Now 48 percent say it's not, so Hillary Clinton is evenly dividing the American people. We should get used to that. Fifty one percent say it's a serious problem, Jake, 51 percent also think she did something wrong. So she is taking a hit. How lasting will it be? Will be politically hurtful? We'll see."
TAPPER: "Brianna, she may announce her candidacy as soon as next month, we are told. As she gears up and gets the campaign going, where are her favorability ratings?"
KEILAR: "They are pretty good right now, 53 percent according to this new CNN/ORC poll. The thing is, look at that compared to a year ago. It's dropped from 59 percent, but she -- after leaving the State Department, it was really considered that her favorability was pretty sky-high as she became more political, it was going to come down. But also look at her unfavorability right now, it's 44 percent. That's actually the highest unfavorable ranking she has had since she was campaigning for president the last time."
TAPPER: "Wow. That's pretty high considering the 2008, the bruising they took. John, what do Americans think about her explanation as to why she used this private personal server instead of the State Department account?"
KING: "In the view of a majority of Americans, she's not done explaining is the best way to put it. If you look at the numbers, has she explained it, 46 percent say, yes, and 51 percent say no. Again, close evenly divide right there. But clearly, we know that Benghazi Select Committee wants to bring her up at least twice they say. Speaker John Boehner on the Republican side is considering some other investigation. She will give interviews when she announces, we assume. So she has more explaining to do."
TAPPER: "What about Democrats? What do they think?"
KING: "That's the interesting thing. If you look at the partisan break down, 68 percent of Democrats say yes, she has done enough, but 30 percent say no. If there were a credible challenger to Hillary Clinton, that 30 percent saying no, she hasn't done enough would be an opening. That challenger just isn't on the field right now. We don't see that challenger out there. If you look at the Republicans, 19 percent of Republicans say she has done enough. Eight in ten say she has not. Independents evenly split. If you look deep into the poll she does very well with Democrats. She does pretty well with independents and of course, Republicans don't like her."

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