CNN Analyst Blasts Trump Over Border Detention Facilities: ‘Tolerating Abuse Against Children’

‘It doesn’t seem to reflect the reality of what is actually going on, on the ground at all’


SERFATY: “It doesn’t seem to reflect the reality of what is actually going on on the ground at all. It stands in stark defiance and contrast of that — the narrative of this week since Congress has been on recess has been Democrat after Democrat going in and visiting there and coming out with these firsthand accounts of what they saw with their own two eyes. And of course backing up it with some pictures of time there, a visual representation of the conditions, of not — people not having access to clean water or clean clothes and overcrowding and you could sense it in the desperation from the members of Congress as they were leaving, desperation and anger and outrage at the conditions. Certainly we will hear a lot of this when the members come back to Washington early next week especially the president making such a bold claim there and trying to Pivot this negative attention to the Democrats. They’ll be having a hearing on this next week.”

(Via Mediaite)

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